Growing pains, Life with COVID-19

I can do hard things

Hello. It’s been a while since I have written here and I’ve missed you.

The world has been totally different since this COVID thing was born. School, sports & travel have all been interrupted. The mental health issue is at an all-time high. Struggling relationships survived in lockdown, and other relationships took a nosedive.

Mine took a nosedive.

Over these COVID years, I have spent more time alone than ever before, felt my heart so full of love it overflows and I’m discovering what I really want out of life.

It’s been challenging, exciting and crippling.

Life has skinned my knees and elbows, but it has also wrapped me in a big warm blanket and made me feel cozy. I am proud of me. I am truly blessed, and I feel deeply every heart that has reached out and rallied around me. You know who you are. You lifted me when I ran out of steam. Thank you.

Movement and momentum have been my friends.

I can do hard things

I. CAN. DO. HARD. THINGS. I kept telling myself this over and over until I believed it and celebrated the little wins that made me smile. I gave myself permission to stay in bed when I needed to. I sometimes pushed myself harder than I needed to.

As you know, I live in Melbourne, and we spend a lot of time in lockdown. I had a lot of quiet time during the prickly times of the separation.

Sometimes I think COVID happened because of me. I needed the world to stop spinning for a little bit so I could sit in silence with my thoughts.

I don’t always know what I want, but I’m learning what I don’t want.

I am standing on the edge of new beginnings…

10 thoughts on “I can do hard things”

  1. You certainly can do hard things. You’ve done so many you’re getting to be an expert at it. Lovely to see you writing again. Big hugs. 😁💖

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  2. You can and continue to do hard things. Love this, “I don’t always know what I want, but I’m learning what I don’t want.” and miss you too.


  3. Love it and yes you are strong and you believe in yourself! You can do whatever your heart and mind needs you to. xoxo


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